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Massage in Bothasig

What is a Massage? 

For those of you who experienced it, there is nothing quite like having a massage to relax and increase the sense of well-being.

But the benefits of massages don’t end there. You can have a massage to help you sleep better, to relieve headaches; there are therapeutic massages to help you get rid of cellulite or loose weight.

Athletes particularly use massage to relieve pain in overworked muscles, or for injuries like frozen shoulder, tennis elbow or sore neck.

Not surprising there are many different types of massages using different parts of body to apply the pressure and different ointment to increase effect.

There are gentler ones: massage with hot stones or hot rocks, massages with essential oil, olive or coconut oil, aromatherapy or the latest trend amongst celebrities; massage with cupping.

If you are not sure, your massage therapist will be able to advise you on the best choice for you.

It usually involves lying on the therapy bed without clothes but covered with towels and with your head resting in the head rest. You will be able to ask for a different pressure depending on your personal preference.


What are the different types of massages? 

Some of the most common types of massages are:

Thai massage – laying on the floor mat the therapist is stretching your body with a relatively strong pulls and pressure can be quite high, it helps improve flexibility and joint movement.

Swedish massage – most commonly used massage to help relieve pain especially with back problems, it is applied with different types of strokes from tapping to kneading.

Some of the most popular massages are:

Hot stone massage 

Aromatherapy massage

Deep Tissue massage

Indian head massage


Pregnancy Massage

Sports Massage

To discover the beauty of having a Massage please see all the places where you can have one in your area below.

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